New Diamond Tourism Company
New Diamond Tourism Company
Fun adventures for the whole family.
Leisure tourism is one of the most prominent areas of tourism that offers diverse and enjoyable experiences for visitors. From trips to coastal and water destinations, to adventures in lively cities, leisure tourism provides endless opportunities to relax and enjoy time with friends and family.
Places to go
Enjoy visiting unforgettable destinations where stunning views and unique, unforgettable experiences await you.
- Egypt leisure tourism
For Booking and Inquiries
Luxor: the capital of the Pharaonic civilization
Discover the magic of Luxor
The city of Luxor is one of the most important tourist cities in Egypt, as it has an ancient history dating back thousands of years, and contains many Pharaonic temples and tombs that tell the stories of ancient Egyptian civilization. Luxor is an open-air museum, where visitors can discover many amazing monuments that make it an unparalleled tourist destination.
The most important tourist attractions in Luxor
Karnak Temple: One of the largest temples in ancient Egypt, it is distinguished by a group of huge columns and wonderful statues. It is a huge religious complex containing many small temples dedicated to different gods.
Luxor Temple: Located on the banks of the Nile River, it is distinguished by its magnificent architecture and inscriptions that tell of military achievements and religious rituals.
Valley of the Kings: Home to a group of royal tombs of the Pharaohs, the most prominent of which is the tomb of King Tutankhamun, which was discovered with all its golden contents.
Valley of the Queens: It contains tombs of queens and princesses of the ancient Egyptian family, and is characterized by beautiful engravings that adorn the walls of the tombs.
Hatshepsut Temple: A funerary temple carved into the mountains, dedicated to Queen Hatshepsut, one of the greatest women in the history of ancient Egypt.
Activities available in Luxor
Nile Cruises: A unique experience across the Nile using traditional feluccas or luxury ships to explore the city from a water perspective.
Sound and light shows: Enjoy sound and light shows at Karnak Temple, where the stories of the Pharaohs and their civilization are presented with dazzling technology.
Explore the local markets: Wander the traditional markets of Luxor, where you can buy handmade souvenirs like Egyptian galabiyas, pharaonic statues, and handcrafted jewelry.
Advantages of tourism in Luxor
Ancient History: Luxor contains the largest number of ancient Egyptian monuments that show the greatness of the Pharaonic civilization.
Exploratory tours: Visitors can join guided tours that lead them to explore temples and tombs under the guidance of specialized guides.
Natural Beauty: Luxor is located on the banks of the Nile River, which provides stunning views that make the tourism experience more enjoyable.
The best times to visit Luxor
Winter: October to April is the ideal time to visit Luxor, as temperatures are mild and good for exploring the monuments.
Spring and Autumn: The transitional seasons are also suitable for tourist trips in Luxor, as the atmosphere is pleasant and comfortable.
- Egypt leisure tourism
For Booking and Inquiries
Aswan: the jewel of southern Egypt
Aswan is one of the most beautiful Egyptian cities, characterized by its stunning natural beauty and ancient history. It is located on the banks of the Nile River and is the southern gateway to Egypt, making it a distinctive tourist destination for those looking for relaxation and connection with nature and history at the same time. Aswan is considered a city of tranquility and relaxation, in addition to its wonderful archaeological and cultural landmarks.
The most important tourist attractions in Aswan
Philae Island: It is one of the most prominent landmarks in Aswan, as it is home to the Philae Temple dedicated to the goddess Isis. This temple was completely moved after the construction of the High Dam to protect it from drowning.
Abu Simbel Temple: One of the most famous Pharaonic temples built by King Ramesses II. The temple is famous for its huge rock carvings and is a symbol of the architectural genius of ancient Egypt.
The High Dam: one of the greatest engineering achievements of the twentieth century. Built to regulate the flow of water of the Nile River, it offers stunning views of Lake Nasser.
Nubian Museum: Displays the heritage and culture of ancient Nubia, where visitors can view rare collectibles and Nubian antiquities.
The Unfinished Obelisk: A huge artifact considered the largest unfinished obelisk in the world, revealing the sculpting techniques of ancient times.
Activities available in Aswan
Nile Cruises: Enjoy a peaceful Nile cruise via Felucca, where you can see stunning landscapes and charming Nile islands.
Visit Plant Island: one of the most beautiful gardens in Egypt, where visitors can take a walk and enjoy viewing rare plants from all over the world.
Shopping in the tourist market: The tourist market in Aswan offers a variety of handmade products such as Nubian jewelry, local fabrics, spices, and silverware.
Visiting Nubian villages: A unique experience to explore Nubian culture, where visitors can learn about Nubian heritage and enjoy the hospitality of village residents.
Advantages of tourism in Aswan
Calm and relaxing: Aswan is one of the quietest cities in Egypt, making it an ideal destination for relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of major cities.
Ancient History: The city has a history that extends through the Pharaonic and Islamic eras, which is clearly evident in its archaeological monuments.
Landscape: Aswan offers stunning natural views of the Nile River and the islands scattered along its banks, making it a favorite destination for photography and nature lovers.
The best times to visit Aswan
Winter: October to March is the best time to visit Aswan, as the weather is mild and suitable for exploring the sights and hiking outdoors.
Sun Perpendicular Festival: On February 22 and October 22 of each year, the phenomenon of the sun perpendicular to the face of the statue of Ramesses II occurs inside the Abu Simbel Temple, and it is a unique experience that cannot be missed.
- Egypt leisure tourism
For Booking and Inquiries
الإسكندرية: عروس البحر الأبيض المتوسط
الإسكندرية، ثاني أكبر مدينة في مصر، وتُعرف بأنها “عروس البحر الأبيض المتوسط”. تتميز بتاريخها العريق الذي يمتد إلى أكثر من 2300 عام، حيث أسسها الإسكندر الأكبر وجعلها عاصمة لمصر في العصور القديمة. تجمع الإسكندرية بين عبق الماضي وزخم الحاضر، وتعد وجهة سياحية مثالية لمن يبحثون عن الثقافة، التاريخ، والاسترخاء على شواطئها الجميلة.
أهم المعالم السياحية في الإسكندرية
مكتبة الإسكندرية: تعد واحدة من أعظم المكتبات في العالم، وتحوي مجموعة ضخمة من الكتب والمخطوطات، إلى جانب مركز ثقافي ومعارض فنية، وهي رمز للتعلم والمعرفة على مر العصور.
قلعة قايتباي: تُعد من أبرز المعالم التاريخية في الإسكندرية، وتقع في موقع منارة الإسكندرية القديمة، وهي إحدى عجائب الدنيا السبع القديمة.
عمود السواري: معلم أثري روماني شهير، ويعد أحد الرموز البارزة في المدينة، ويقع بجانب معبد السيرابيوم.
قصر المنتزه: قصر ملكي رائع يقع وسط حدائق واسعة تطل على البحر، ويوفر أجواء هادئة وجميلة للزوار.
المسرح الروماني: أحد أهم الآثار الرومانية في مصر، ويعود تاريخه إلى القرن الثاني الميلادي، ويُستخدم الآن للعروض الفنية والحفلات.
حدائق الشلالات: حدائق واسعة مليئة بالمساحات الخضراء، حيث يمكن للزوار الاستمتاع بالمناظر الطبيعية الجميلة والراحة في أجواء هادئة.
الأنشطة المتاحة في الإسكندرية
الاستمتاع بالشواطئ: توفر الإسكندرية العديد من الشواطئ الجميلة مثل “شاطئ المعمورة” و”شاطئ ميامي”، حيث يمكن الاستمتاع بالسباحة، الرياضات المائية، أو الاسترخاء تحت أشعة الشمس.
التنزه على كورنيش الإسكندرية: يُعتبر كورنيش المدينة من أجمل الأماكن للتنزه، حيث يوفر إطلالات رائعة على البحر ومجموعة من المقاهي والمطاعم.
زيارة الأسواق التقليدية: تُعد الأسواق مثل سوق زنقة الستات وأسواق المنشية وجهات ممتازة لشراء الهدايا التذكارية والمشغولات اليدوية.
تذوق المأكولات البحرية: تشتهر الإسكندرية بتقديم أشهى أطباق السمك والمأكولات البحرية الطازجة، حيث يمكن للزوار الاستمتاع بتناول الطعام في مطاعم تطل على البحر.
مميزات السياحة في الإسكندرية
التاريخ العريق: بفضل تاريخها الطويل الذي يعود إلى العصور القديمة، تزخر الإسكندرية بالمعالم الأثرية والثقافية التي تحكي عن حضارات متعددة.
الأجواء الساحلية: موقعها على ساحل البحر المتوسط يجعلها مكانًا مثاليًا لعشاق البحر والاستجمام.
الثقافة والفنون: المدينة تضم العديد من المتاحف والمسارح والمعارض الفنية، مما يجعلها وجهة ثقافية متميزة.
أفضل الأوقات لزيارة الإسكندرية
الربيع والخريف: يُعد أفضل وقت لزيارة الإسكندرية هو فصلا الربيع والخريف، حيث يكون الطقس معتدلًا ومناسبًا للتنزه والاستمتاع بالمعالم السياحية.
الصيف: يُعتبر الصيف من الأوقات المفضلة للزوار للاستمتاع بالشواطئ، إلا أن الحرارة قد تكون مرتفعة قليلاً خلال شهري يوليو وأغسطس.
North Coast
- Egypt leisure tourism
Sharm El Sheikh: a global tourist destination between nature and luxury
Located in the southern Sinai Peninsula, Sharm El Sheikh is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations thanks to its stunning beaches, clear waters, and coral reefs that make it a prime destination for diving and recreation enthusiasts. Sharm El Sheikh combines luxury, adventure, and marine activities in a magical environment.
The most important tourist activities in Sharm El Sheikh
Sharm El Sheikh is located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula, and it is one of the most prominent tourist destinations in the world thanks to its wonderful beaches, clear waters, and coral reefs that make it a major destination for diving and recreation enthusiasts. Sharm El Sheikh combines luxury, adventure, and marine activities in an enchanting environment.
The most important tourist activities in Sharm El Sheikh
1. Diving and snorkeling:
Sharm El Sheikh is considered a paradise for diving enthusiasts, as the Ras Mohammed and Sharm El Negev reefs are among the most famous diving sites in the world. Visitors can discover fascinating marine life and colorful coral reefs.
Snorkeling is also available for those who want to enjoy seeing fish and sea creatures without diving too deep.
2. Cruises and island tours:
Enjoy cruises to Red Sea islands or glass-bottom boat trips to see marine life without having to dive.
Tiran Island is one of the best destinations for day trips, offering white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.
3. Water sports:
Besides diving, Sharm El Sheikh offers many water activities such as windsurfing, water skiing, speed boating, and snorkeling.
The calm waters are ideal for these activities, suitable for all levels from beginners to professionals.
4. Desert trips and safaris:
You can explore the beauty of the desert surrounding Sharm El Sheikh through quad bike or camel safaris, and enjoy the magnificent landscapes.
Camping in the desert and spending a night under the starry sky with local Bedouins are some of the unique experiences that can be had.
5. Shopping and nightlife:
A visit to Sharm El Sheikh is not complete without a tour of Naama Bay, where you will find many restaurants, cafes, and shopping stores. You can also enjoy the nightlife and various entertainment activities.
Commercial malls and markets offer a unique shopping experience that allows you to buy souvenirs and local products.
The most important tourist attractions in Sharm El Sheikh
Ras Mohammed Reserve: One of the most important natural reserves in Egypt, where you can see amazing coral reefs, rare marine life, in addition to mountain lakes.
Naama Bay: The main tourist destination in Sharm El Sheikh, where you can enjoy shopping, nightlife, and restaurants and cafes on the waterfront.
One Thousand and One Nights: An entertainment complex that presents wonderful traditional and cultural shows, giving visitors a unique and enjoyable cultural experience.
Services available in Sharm El Sheikh
Luxury resorts and hotels: Sharm El Sheikh includes many luxury hotels that provide upscale services and stunning landscapes, and meet all visitors’ needs for luxury and comfort.
Restaurants and cafes: You can taste a variety of international and local cuisine in many restaurants and cafes spread in Naama Bay and other tourist areas.
Location and working hours
Location: Sharm El Sheikh is located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, about 500 km from Cairo.
Best times to visit: It is recommended to visit Sharm El Sheikh between October and April as the weather is ideal for marine and tourist activities.
أهم المعالم السياحية في شرم الشيخ
محمية رأس محمد: واحدة من أهم المحميات الطبيعية في مصر، حيث يمكنك مشاهدة الشُعب المرجانية المذهلة، والحياة البحرية النادرة، بالإضافة إلى البحيرات الجبلية.
خليج نعمة: الوجهة السياحية الرئيسية في شرم الشيخ، حيث يمكنك الاستمتاع بالتسوق، الحياة الليلية، والمطاعم والمقاهي على الواجهة البحرية.
ألف ليلة وليلة: مجمع ترفيهي يقدم عروضًا تقليدية وثقافية رائعة، مما يمنح الزوار تجربة ثقافية فريدة وممتعة.
الخدمات المتاحة في شرم الشيخ
المنتجعات والفنادق الفاخرة: تضم شرم الشيخ العديد من الفنادق الفاخرة التي توفر خدمات راقية ومناظر طبيعية خلابة، وتلبي كافة احتياجات الزوار من رفاهية وراحة.
المطاعم والمقاهي: يمكنك تذوق مجموعة متنوعة من المأكولات العالمية والمحلية في العديد من المطاعم والمقاهي المنتشرة في خليج نعمة والمناطق السياحية الأخرى.
الموقع وساعات العمل
الموقع: تقع شرم الشيخ على الطرف الجنوبي لشبه جزيرة سيناء، وهي تبعد حوالي 500 كم عن القاهرة.
أفضل أوقات الزيارة: يُنصح بزيارة شرم الشيخ بين أكتوبر وأبريل حيث يكون الطقس مثاليًا للأنشطة البحرية والسياحي
For Booking and Inquiries
North Coast: A destination for relaxation and luxury
Discover the beauty of the North Coast
The North Coast is one of the best tourist destinations in Egypt, located along the Mediterranean coast. It is an ideal haven for rest and relaxation, combining stunning beaches, clear blue waters and a relaxing holiday atmosphere. This coastal strip is characterized by the presence of luxury resorts, modern tourist villages, and luxury villas that attract tourists and vacationers from all over the world.
The most important tourist attractions and activities on the North Coast
Wonderful beaches: The northern coast is distinguished by its beaches with soft white sand and turquoise waters, such as “Marina” beach, “Sidi Abdel Rahman”, and “Alamein”. These beaches are ideal for relaxing in the sun or swimming in the refreshing waters.
Tourist resorts: The North Coast is home to a group of luxury resorts such as “Hacienda,” “Marassi,” and “Diplo,” which provide all luxurious hotel services and recreational activities.
Tourist resorts: The North Coast is home to a group of luxury resorts such as “Hacienda,” “Marassi,” and “Diplo,” which provide all luxurious hotel services and recreational activities.
Beach Clubs and Parties: The North Coast is a popular destination for its beach clubs with live music performances and summer night parties that create a fun and lively atmosphere.
Advantages of tourism on the North Coast
Strategic location: The North Coast is distinguished by its location close to Cairo and Alexandria, making it a favorite destination for locals and tourists alike.
Luxury resorts: Resorts on the North Coast offer an exceptional experience in terms of luxury and comfort, while providing private swimming pools, upscale restaurants, and services of the highest level.
Tranquility and relaxation: Away from the hustle and bustle of the cities, the North Coast offers a tranquil atmosphere ideal for escaping the stress of daily life and enjoying nature.
The best times to visit the North Coast
Summer: Summer is the ideal time to visit the North Coast, as the temperatures are suitable for enjoying the beaches and water activities. Summer holidays in Egypt usually start from June and continue until September.
Spring and Fall: Spring and fall may also be a good time to visit the North Coast if you prefer more moderate temperatures and avoid large crowds.
Distinctive facilities and services on the North Coast
Shopping centres: You can shop in modern shopping centers such as “Diplo Mall” and “Sidi Abdel Rahman Mall”, where you will find everything you need of local and international products.
Upscale restaurants and cafes: The North Coast is characterized by the presence of many restaurants and cafes that serve delicious international dishes and fresh seafood.
Night activities: Enjoy the lively atmosphere at beach clubs and resorts that offer concerts and entertainment throughout the evening.
Enjoy a unique cruise on board the most luxurious yachts
الرحلات البحرية في البحر الأحمر هي واحدة من أكثر الأنشطة الترفيهية طلبًا، حيث يمكنك الاستمتاع بتجربة فاخرة وسط المياه الزرقاء الصافية مع مناظر طبيعية خلابة وأجواء هادئة. توفر الرحلات البحرية فرصة مثالية لاستكشاف الجزر القريبة، الغوص، أو مجرد الاسترخاء على متن اليخت والاستمتاع بأشعة الشمس.
مميزات الرحلات البحرية
Cruises in the Red Sea are one of the most sought-after leisure activities, where you can enjoy a luxurious experience amidst clear blue waters with stunning landscapes and a peaceful atmosphere. Cruises provide the perfect opportunity to explore nearby islands, dive, or just relax on board a yacht and soak up the sun.
Advantages of cruises
1. Relaxation and luxury:
Your cruise begins on board a luxury yacht equipped with all amenities. You can relax on the deck and enjoy the expansive sea views or lie in the sun.
There are comfortable seating areas with refreshing drinks and a variety of snacks to enjoy while cruising.
2. Diving and snorkeling:
During the trip, you will have the opportunity to dive in picturesque places famous for their colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life. You can also enjoy snorkeling to see amazing sea creatures from above the surface of the water.
The trips provide diving equipment and professional guides to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
3. Visit nearby islands:
Cruises often include visits to charming islands such as Giftun Island or Tiran. You can enjoy swimming in calm waters or strolling on the white sandy beaches.
The islands are an ideal location for relaxing or practicing various marine activities such as surfing or kayaking.
4. Various marine activities:
Cruises also include fun activities such as fishing or test driving small boats. There are also entertainment activities on board the yacht to suit all family members.
For adventure lovers, you can enjoy snorkeling to explore deep waters and sea caves.
Cruise services
Luxurious meals: The trip includes delicious meals served on board the yacht, with a variety of local and international dishes.
Professional Crew: The yacht staff is well trained to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the duration of the trip.
Yacht Facilities: The cruise includes upscale facilities such as air-conditioned bedrooms, relaxation areas, and a swimming pool on the yacht’s deck (on some luxury cruises).
Types of cruises available
Half-Day Trips: Ideal for those who want to spend a few hours at sea and return the same day.
Full Day Trips: Includes a gourmet lunch and more time to enjoy diving and other marine activities.
Multi-day trips: Ideal for adventure lovers, you can sail for several days to explore more islands and marine attractions.
Best time to take a cruise
It is recommended to take cruises between October and April, when the weather is suitable and the sea is calm to fully enjoy the experience.
خدمات الرحلة البحرية
وجبات فاخرة: الرحلة تتضمن وجبات شهية يتم تقديمها على متن اليخت، مع مجموعة متنوعة من الأطباق المحلية والعالمية.
طاقم محترف: فريق العمل على اليخت مدرب جيدًا لضمان راحتك وأمانك طوال مدة الرحلة.
مرافق اليخت: تشمل الرحلة مرافق راقية مثل غرف نوم مكيفة، مناطق للاسترخاء، وحمام سباحة على سطح اليخت (في بعض الرحلات الفاخرة).
أنواع الرحلات البحرية المتاحة
رحلات نصف يوم: مثالية لمن يرغب في قضاء ساعات قليلة في البحر والعودة في نفس اليوم.
رحلات يوم كامل: تشمل غداء فاخر ومزيدًا من الوقت للاستمتاع بالغوص والأنشطة البحرية الأخرى.
رحلات متعددة الأيام: مثالية لمحبي المغامرة، حيث يمكنك الإبحار لعدة أيام لاستكشاف المزيد من الجزر والمعالم البحرية.
أفضل وقت للقيام بالرحلة البحرية
يُنصح بالقيام بالرحلات البحرية بين أكتوبر وأبريل، حيث يكون الطقس مناسبًا والبحر هادئًا للاستمتاع الكامل بالتجرب
- Egypt leisure tourism
For Booking and Inquiries
Dahab: The ideal destination for diving and recreation enthusiasts
Dahab is one of the most beautiful coastal cities in Egypt, located on the Gulf of Aqaba in South Sinai Governorate. Dahab is famous for its clear waters and golden sandy beaches, and is one of the best destinations for diving and water sports enthusiasts. Dahab combines the beauty of nature with simplicity, making it a favorite destination for visitors looking for relaxation and adventure at the same time.
The most important activities in Dahab
1. Diving and exploring the depths of the sea:
Dahab is one of the best diving destinations in the world thanks to its colorful coral reefs and unique marine creatures.
The most famous diving sites are Blue Hole and Canyon, which attract professional and amateur divers from all over the world.
2. Water sports:
You can enjoy various water sports such as snorkeling, windsurfing, and kayaking.
Dahab Beach is characterized by ideal conditions for water sports thanks to strong winds and calm waters.
3. Camping and desert safari:
Besides marine adventures, visitors can enjoy safaris in the desert surrounding Dahab, where they can ride camels or drive quad bikes to explore the mountains and valleys.
Camping in the desert under the starry sky is an unforgettable experience.
4. Recreation on the beaches:
Dahab’s calm and relaxing beaches provide the perfect setting for relaxing and soaking up the sun.
You can relax in one of the cafes or restaurants overlooking the sea and taste fresh seafood.
The most important tourist attractions in Dahab
Blue Hole: One of the most famous diving sites in the world, it is a deep underwater hole that attracts adventurous divers.
Laguna: A sandy beach ideal for relaxing and swimming, it is a popular destination for families and athletes.
Old City: An area that includes many restaurants and cafes that offer an exceptional experience for visitors looking for simplicity
Available services
Diving Centers: Dahab provides many accredited diving centers that offer courses for beginners and professionals.
Accommodation: Accommodation in Dahab varies from luxury hotels to simple camps, providing visitors with multiple options to suit all budgets.
Restaurants and Cafes: Dahab offers a variety of restaurants serving local and international dishes, in addition to cafes overlooking the sea that provide a peaceful experience.
Location and working hours
Location: Dahab is located about 90 km north of Sharm El Sheikh.
Best times to visit: Dahab can be visited throughout the year, but the best times are between March and May and between September and November, when the weather is moderate.
- Egypt leisure tourism
For Booking and Inquiries
Hurghada: A charming destination for lovers of beaches and water sports
Hurghada is located on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, and it is one of the most famous tourist destinations visited by visitors from all over the world. Hurghada combines the beauty of marine nature, white sandy beaches, and turquoise waters, making it an ideal destination for diving, swimming, and water sports enthusiasts.
The most important tourist activities in Hurghada
1. Diving and snorkeling:
Hurghada is a paradise for diving enthusiasts thanks to its diverse coral reefs and rich marine life. You can explore the marine world at famous diving sites such as “Giftun Island”, “Shaab Abu Nahas”, and “Erq Al-Saghir”.
Snorkeling is another great activity that can be done in coastal areas near the beach, where you can see colorful fish and coral reefs.
2. Cruises and island tours:
You can enjoy cruises to neighboring islands, such as Giftun Island and Magawish Island, where you can enjoy swimming, diving, or just relaxing on the pristine beaches.
Many yachts and tour boats offer daily tours to enjoy marine adventures and view marine life.
3. Water sports:
Hurghada is a paradise for water sports practitioners such as kitesurfing, water skiing, and kayaking. There are many centers that provide training and equipment for those interested in these activities.
4. Desert trips:
Away from the sea, you can enjoy desert safaris to explore the beauty of the Red Sea desert. Whether riding a camel or quad bike (ATV), you will live a unique experience among the sand dunes and rocky hills.
You can also spend a night in a Bedouin tent under the stars and enjoy Bedouin hospitality.
5. Recreation on the beaches:
Hurghada’s beautiful beaches are ideal for those looking for relaxation. You can spend the whole day at the beach, enjoying the sunshine and clear waters.
The most important tourist attractions in Hurghada
Hurghada Aquarium: It displays the marine diversity of the Red Sea through aquariums that include many types of fish and marine creatures.
Hurghada Marina: A luxurious area by the sea that includes many restaurants, cafes, and shops, where visitors can enjoy walking or sitting to watch the sunset.
Giftun Island: It is one of the most famous islands in the Red Sea, characterized by its white sandy beaches and clear waters, ideal for diving and swimming.
Services available in Hurghada
Resorts and Hotels: Hurghada offers a wide range of accommodations, from luxury resorts to budget hotels, all of which provide distinguished services to suit all tastes and budgets.
Restaurants and cafes: The city includes a variety of restaurants serving local and international dishes, in addition to cafes that overlook the sea and provide a relaxing atmosphere.
Location and working hours
Location: Hurghada is located on the western coast of the Red Sea, about 400 km from Cairo.
Best times to visit: The period from October to April is considered the best to visit Hurghada as the weather is moderate and suitable for marine activities.
- Egypt leisure tourism
For Booking and Inquiries
Alexandria: Bride of the Mediterranean
Alexandria, the second largest city in Egypt, is known as the “Bride of the Mediterranean.” It is distinguished by its ancient history that extends back more than 2,300 years, as it was founded by Alexander the Great and made it the capital of Egypt in ancient times. Alexandria combines the fragrance of the past with the momentum of the present, and is an ideal tourist destination for those looking for culture, history, and relaxation on its beautiful beaches.
The most important tourist attractions in Alexandria
The Library of Alexandria: It is one of the greatest libraries in the world. It contains a huge collection of books and manuscripts, in addition to a cultural center and art galleries. It is a symbol of learning and knowledge throughout the ages.
Qaitbay Citadel: It is considered one of the most prominent historical monuments in Alexandria. It is located on the site of the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria, and is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Qaitbay Citadel: It is considered one of the most prominent historical monuments in Alexandria. It is located on the site of the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria, and is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Montazah Palace: A wonderful royal palace located in spacious gardens overlooking the sea, providing a peaceful and beautiful atmosphere for visitors.
Roman Theater: One of the most important Roman monuments in Egypt, dating back to the second century AD, and is now used for artistic performances and concerts.
Waterfalls Gardens: Spacious gardens filled with green spaces, where visitors can enjoy the beautiful landscape and rest in a peaceful atmosphere.
Activities available in Alexandria
Enjoying the beaches: Alexandria offers many beautiful beaches, such as “Maamoura Beach” and “Miami Beach,” where you can enjoy swimming, water sports, or relaxing under the sun.
Strolling on the Alexandria Corniche: The city’s Corniche is considered one of the most beautiful places for strolling, as it provides wonderful views of the sea and a group of cafes and restaurants.
Visit traditional markets: Markets such as Zanqat al-Sittat and Mansheya markets are excellent destinations for buying souvenirs and handicrafts.
787Taste seafood: Alexandria is famous for serving the most delicious fresh fish and seafood dishes, where visitors can enjoy dining in restaurants overlooking the sea.
Advantages of tourism in Alexandria
Ancient History: Thanks to its long history dating back to ancient times, Alexandria is full of archaeological and cultural monuments that tell of multiple civilizations.
Coastal atmosphere: Its location on the Mediterranean coast makes it an ideal place for sea lovers and relaxation.
Culture and Arts: The city includes many museums, theaters and art galleries, making it a distinct cultural destination.
The best times to visit Alexandria
Spring and Autumn: The best time to visit Alexandria is the spring and fall, when the weather is mild and suitable for hiking and enjoying the tourist attractions.
Summer: Summer is considered one of the favorite times for visitors to enjoy the beaches, but the temperature may be a little high during the months of July and August.
The most important recreational tourism activities
Water activities
Enjoy diving, surfing, and sea kayaking. Egyptian beaches such as Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada are among the most prominent destinations for water sports enthusiasts.
Overland trips
Discover the beauty of the Egyptian desert with safaris that include camel and Jeep rides.
Entertainment cities
Major cities have many amusement parks and zoos that offer a variety of activities and games for all ages.
Available activities
Marine Offers
Join sea tours to enjoy snorkeling and swimming with colorful fish
Family trips
Trips to tourist destinations include family-friendly activities, such as visiting parks and amusement parks
Shopping and Entertainment
Experience shopping in the local markets and stroll through the lively streets to enjoy the local atmosphere